Epitome of a Dive

Guys, I might have just found the bar that most perfectly encapsulates every single thing a true dive needs. Sick horseshoe bar? Check. Cheap drinks? Check. Epic mural worshiping Pittsburgh sports? Check. Darts, pool, and an amazing lineup on the jukebox? Check. Check. Check. I’m talking about the White Eagle Inn located in the South Side neighborhood of Pittsburgh. If you’ve ever been to Pittsburgh or live there currently and haven’t checked it out I highly suggest you get on down there the next time you’re going out for a couple of beers.

I’m in Pittsburgh this weekend for the Coors Light Stadium Series game between the Penguins and the Flyers at Heinz Field. So I’m pretty much jumping out of my skin so excited pumped. This is also my first opportunity to explore some dives outside of New York City! Luckily I have a bunch of friends from the Pittsburgh area (yinz know you ya are) and got some great recommendations of bars that I should try out. It just so happened that as I was making my way into South Side from Shadyside, we passed White Eagle and through the cube glass windows I could already tell it had the makings of a great dive.

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset
The White Eagle in all it’s dive-y glory

I will warn you, the only drawback of this place is that you can smoke inside…which definitely sucks but if you can stomach it, it’s not enough of a con to bring this place off of my list of great dives. What they have in carcinogenic smoky ambiance they vastly make up for in the $3 Yuengling’s I ordered, and the old school 80’s country tunes blasting throughout. And it’s weird, don’t get me wrong, but in a good way. Every single person lined up around the oval bar was a regular, and it was very apparent as the bartenders entertained their conversations about their everyday lives.

White Eagle Inn is the Utopian dive. It’s got everything you want when you’re simply looking to enjoy some drinks, and kick it with your friends. There’s no fancy cocktails, the bar is cash only (20 bucks will sufficiently do you in here), and there’s plenty of fun to be had in the form of knocking a few balls in during a round of pool or chucking darts at a wall. Post up here and catch a game on their TV’s at the end of the bar or dance the night away up front to some old school country – seemed to be all anyone put on. Either way you’re bound to have a great night! And also, Go Pens!


White Eagle Inn
2300 E. Carson St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

6 thoughts on “Epitome of a Dive

  1. tylerhoppydudes

    Whoa! A place in 2017 that you can smoke in. I don’t smoke but I like seeing the history and that would be cool to go to! Definitely going to have to check this out

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: New York State of Mind – In Dives We Trust

  3. Eric

    Thanks for the kind words about the bar. My mom is the owner and it has been in the family for over 40 years. Im just now seeing this blog now as i came across it while looking at pictures on Instagram tagged at the White Eagle

    Liked by 1 person

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